Saturday, October 17, 2009

So busy...trying to stay connected.

Wow, so I haven't even been able to keep up to a once weekly posting! I've been really busy these days, between work, errands, and bringing a new family member into our home (we adopted a simply lovely 2.5 year old black cat, Nora, through Toronto Cat Rescue Also, I am always extra busy when there is a show coming up (I am part of a burlesque troupe - more on how that ties into everything later). There is also the unfortunate fact that my old beast of a desktop finally croaked, and so I don't have a computer of my own to use (although I use Martin's laptop when I can - thanks baby!)

So, at the moment, I have a giant list of things that I want and need to do. A lot of it involves online business, mostly getting in touch with friends I have been trying to meet up with for ages, or respond to emails that have been sitting in my inbox for a least a week. Another thing is writing posts for this blog and sending it to the people I have yet to send it to (there are many). I always seem to run out of time, just when I'm in the mood to sit down and write my heart out and make connections with people.

And that's exactly the place I am in now. I feel like I could write for an hour, but instead I'm going to do the dishes and then run off to work. My next two days are almost completely occupied already, so it looks like it will be Tuesday before I get to spend a good chunk of time doing this. I have sooo much to write...but when I have the time, I will do it. No punishment or regret, just understanding and compassion for myself during this crazy busy time.

Coming up soon (hopefully)... Vulnerability = Health (?!)

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